6 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Shipping Company


15 February 2022


Shipping Company

A reliable shipping partner is integral to the success of any business that depends on a supply chain. The choice of a shipping company also has a direct implication on ‌costs and hence profitability. A brand’s reputation hinges very much on its ability to deliver products to the customer’s door as promised.

The shipping experience your customers get has a big weight on their satisfaction. If they receive their products safely and on time, they are happy. But when they have to contend with high shipping costs and delayed deliveries, the brand image suffers. Therefore, the choice of shipping services should be carefully considered. Here are some of the top factors you’ll want to consider when choosing a shipping company.

Consider Shipping Specialization

Consider Shipping Specialization

Shipping services specialize in carrying different freight types. For example, oil tanker services specialize in carrying petroleum products. You must look at the nature of your products to decide if you need specialized shipping services. There are advantages in using  specialized shipping services:

1. Experience in Product Handling

Experience in product handling is a must in order to be successful in this field. A specialized service will have experience in handling your product. They can make sure that your product will arrive in good condition, at the destination point.

For example, a shipping company that handles fragile products will always carry the tools necessary to handle fragile products. This allows you to be sure that your product will arrive in good condition, without being damaged.

2. Specialized Packaging

Special products require custom packaging. For example, perishables require packaging to keep the product as fresh as possible. Additionally, the product must be protected against contamination. For example, a dairy has to be placed in special containers to keep its products fresh. A shipping service must show it will accommodate your packaging requirements.

It is also about marketing the product. Specialized packaging can help to create a unique identity for a product and set it apart from the competition. This can be especially important for small businesses that are trying to compete against much larger companies. Specialized packaging can be used to create a sense of luxury, sophistication, or excitement around a product.

Related Resource: 4 Common Mistakes To Avoid When Shipping Your Car

Compare shipping rates

Shipping rates can vary depending on the shipping company and the service that is used. It is important to compare shipping rates in order to get the best deal. Remember, shipping rates have an impact on your operating expenses and hence customer shipping prices. Online shopping platforms often allow customers to choose their preferred shipping service. You must offer them affordable shipping to make your products attractive.

Compare Delivery Times

Compare Delivery Times

Shipping delivery times play a big role in meeting your customer’s expectations. Delivery time has a direct impact on your profits. Deliveries that are fulfilled within the specified time frame help you remain competitive.

You have to offer quick delivery services to suit the demands of your customers. But faster shipping costs more, so you need a balance. The competitors in the market might offer less expensive shipping rates, but the importance of offering fast delivery services cannot be neglected.

Consider the Destination Network

Consider the Destination Network

A shipping service’s transport networks can impact delivery times in a few ways. Service with a dense, interconnected network of hubs will be able to get packages to more destinations faster than one with a less-connected network.

The location of the service’s hubs on land is also important – a service with hubs in major metropolitan areas will be able to reach more customers in a shorter amount of time than one with hubs in rural areas.

Consider the Size and Nature of Freight

What is the size of the products you want to ship? For example, bulky products like oil, grains, and heavy machinery need a shipping service that has the machinery and space to handle the loading and unloading.

One important consideration is whether a shipping service has partnerships with land services that can handle your product e.g., bulk grain handling, offloading, and storage.

Consider Tracking, Tracing, and Customer Service

Consider Tracking, Tracing, and Customer Service

Today, it is a standard expectation that a shipping service will offer tracking and tracing of freight for both the business and the end customer. It offers valuable information on the shipment status and allows customers to easily check the progress of the delivery. This information offers the end customer confidence that their order is in transit.

A good shipping service must also demonstrate good customer service. In turn, it helps businesses become more responsive to their customers because they can respond to issues from a point of information. For example, if a customer’s order is delayed, the shipping service should have a clear answer on the problem, so that the seller can inform the customer about the situation and when it will be resolved.


Shipping services play a big role in helping businesses meet their customers’ expectations.  It is important to choose a shipping service that will ensure your supply chain runs optimally to get goods to your customers affordably and on time. It enhances the brand, raises customer satisfaction, and raises profitability.

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Sumona is a persona, having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of her professional commitments, she carries out sharing sentient blogs by maintaining top-to-toe SEO aspects. Follow more of her contributions in SmartBusinessDaily

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How to Improve your ROI on CMMS?

CMMS has changed the way businesses track assets, manage work requests, scheduled maintenance services and manage their inventories. The system not only organizes but it also simplifies and automates all your maintenance operations to the advantage of your business. They have proved to be a very solid investment for businesses because of what they stand to offer. Unlike in the past when such systems were seen as a luxury by organizations, this mentality has recently changed. Every business strives to have the system installed in order to streamline its operations and be able to compete with the rest. The incorporation of CMMS software into a business' operations introduces the organization into a new world of great possibilities. Regardless of how solid a system is, it at times needs improvements. The same notion applies to CMMS. In as much as the system promises to deliver improved productivity but if the system is implemented properly, its potential can still be harnessed. This article will elaborate on the different ways CMMS can be improved in order to maximize its returns on investment. Examining your asset management facilities: Asset management is one critical area in any organization which requires special attention. A well-configured CMMS system should be able to guarantee that all your assets are kept in check. There are a number of advantages associated with running an asset management facility including the possibility of your team making the right and most importantly informed decisions regarding asset repairs and maintenance. Besides that, the facility can also help give statistics on the number of times a machine has broken down which can then allow you to perform preventative maintenance on the same to avoid recurrent costs. To improve ROI on your CMMS you need to properly configure the facility. Instead of having a few personnel tracking the health of equipment, you can opt to involve as many machines as possible through all your departments so that you can make the most. This is supported by the fact that research has revealed that in order to extend the lifespan of an asset, you need to increase the frequency of asset management professionals entering into the system. How well are you tracking both your orders and inventory assets? The best part about CMMS is that it will allow you to track both your work orders and inventory assets from anywhere. This is made particularly possible by the fact that the system manages to keep all this information in one centralized location thereby granting you access to the same on a need basis. When your workforce is properly managed, it will increase efficiency in as far as your work orders are concerned, reduce incidences of being offline and ultimately improve on your productivity. Make it your priory to perform routine checkups of your team's daily work orders to keep them on track and ensure that everything is flowing seamlessly. Remember that systems are managed by individuals and how effective you'll be at running your CMMS is ultimately how profitable you'll turn out to be. The beauty of it is that you do not have to do all these monitoring of work orders and inventory assets from your office. Even when outside the office, you can still manage to track the orders and ensure that your employees are adhering to the set standards. Read More: Why Your Business Needs Call Center Tracking. 6 Tips to Help Your Business Stay Ahead of the Competition.    

business in the UAE

Doing business in the UAE: pros and cons

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has a form of federation that consists of 7 emirates with own ruler in each of them. The state is a major financial and economic center, which policy is focused on attracting foreign investment into the country, therefore, the most comfortable and favorable conditions for doing business are created here. The UAE continues to attract investor interest from different parts of the world. Thousands of expats from the US and UK are now migrating to the UAE to explore setting up new businesses and cater to an affluent target audience. If you are looking to set up a new business in the UAE, and are looking at networking and funding solutions, please visit website. The following types of companies are currently available for business registration in UAE: Local companies (where 51% of shares necessarily belong to the citizens of the Emirates or legal entities owned by citizens) – are able to do business without restrictions on the territory. Free zone companies – are able to do business within the chosen free zones or abroad. Offshore companies (International Business companies)  – are prohibited to conduct business within the UAE territory, but are able to open an account in the UAE bank. Opening an offshore company in the UAE on the example of RAK free zone: Located in the northern part of the UAE, bordering Oman, Ras al-Khaimah (RAK) is one of the smallest emirates of the UAE. Great interest in the financial and investment sector of this emirate was promoted by new legislation and regulations adopted by the UAE authorities. This, in turn, led to business and investment opportunities for individuals and companies around the world. An International Business Company in RAK free trade zone can do business outside the territory of the country, own property in the UAE, be used as a logistics company, maintain bank accounts, and much more. Basic requirements for opening such a company: the minimum paid-up share capital - 10,000 AED; the minimum number of shareholders – 1; the minimum number of directors – 1; local office requirement – no; annual reporting requirement – no. Required documents for registration: Certified copy of a valid passport (or national identity card); certified address confirmation - utility bill (not older than 1 month) in English or Arabic (or official translation); A letter of recommendation from the bank (not older than 1 month). Advantages of doing business in the UAE: The main advantages include: Absence of income tax and corporate tax; Permitted 100% foreign capital, no need for a local sponsor (except for local companies); There is no requirement for mandatory audit (except for some free-zones and local companies); A high degree of data protection on the ownership of companies; The ability to work in the country (with the exception of offshore companies); The ability to open accounts in local banks without legalizing corporate company documents; The right to obtain a Dubai residence visa or residence visa in other Emirate for shareholders and employees of the company; The possibility of obtaining certificates of tax residency under agreements on the avoidance of double taxation (for free zones and local companies). The ability to obtain a residence visa is one of the main advantages of opening a company in the UAE. It can be obtained by a non-resident individual on the basis of the acquisition of real estate, as well as the registration of a company in the free zone of the UAE. Such a visa is issued for a period of up to 3 years with the possibility of extension and gives the right of permanent residence and work in the country. In addition, UAE banks do not transfer information within the framework of the Common Reporting Standard exchange, if the bank has accounts of companies registered in free zones or personal accounts of shareholders and managers who have resident visas - as they are recognized tax residents of the UAE in the framework of the current legislation of the country. Read Also: Investments 101: How To Choose A Smart Stock Choosing A Quality Prep Center For Your FBA Business

Team Closer Together

4 Ideas to Bring Your Team Closer Together

A University of Phoenix survey found that 70% of respondents cited being part of a dysfunctional team, and with Gallup reporting that poorly-managed work groups are 50% less productive on average, it’s easy to understand just how important a strong team is in the workplace. Bring your team closer together. Bringing your team closer together should be among your top goals for a successful business, utilizing these ideas can help achieve that. Multiple Ways You Can Bring Your Team Closer Together     There are various ways you can bring your team closer together. For that, you have to make your choices in the right direction to achieve your goals in the correct manner. Host Friendly Competitions: A great way to build team spirit is to get everyone involved in a competition. A sporting event or another type of physical activity, like an office softball game, bowling, or even hosting a silly spoof on the Olympics, with an Olympic-style Games day that includes events like a spoon and egg races, are just a few different options.  Everyone will be working as a team while having fun at the same time, helping to encourage stronger bonds and improve communication. Team Dinners: Aim to occasionally get the team together for an after-work dinner so that staff members can get to know everyone on a more personal level, enjoying conversations that aren’t necessarily work-related. If coming home late is not something your employees can or want to do, you might consider weekly team lunches as they can help foster better relationships and a stronger team too. Play Games: Playing office games occasionally can help employees become more engaged, encouraging staff to think about work as something more than just a steady paycheck and benefits. They can also prevent boredom and provide opportunities for getting the entire team closer. Truths and lies is a good one as a fun and easy way for staff to get to know each other better. Invite workers to sit in a circle facing the center, and then ask them to take a few minutes to come up with two truths and one lie about themselves. Everyone else can try and figure out which is which. Just about everyone enjoys playing Name that Tune. It’s just what it sounds like: simply play about a 5-second slice of a random song. The first person to guess it right wins. Ring the Bell of Success: Recognized employees are happy employees which makes for a stronger team. Everyone will get excited when they hear the ring of the “Bell of Success,” encouraging staff to root for one another. All you need to do is add a bell to your workplace, and when someone achieves a goal such as getting a new client or making a sale, they get to ring the bell while everyone cheers. Read Also: 5 Informal Team Building Activities To Break The Ice Among Co-Workers Top 4 Creative Team Building Ideas For A Call Center Industry This 2016